Reportedly, the Pixel 8 is set to feature either 128GB or 256GB of storage, mirroring its predecessor’s capacity. The Pixel 8 will be accessible in three color options: Licorice, Peony, and Haze. Conversely, the larger Pixel 8 Pro will offer three storage choices. In addition to the 128GB/256GB variants, there will be a 512GB option. […]
Buy Smartphone in Cyprus
Every phone is considerably different from the other, one could have an advantage in hardware capabilities and the other may just reflect on the brand name but, buying the right smartphone is a very crucial decision that one can ever take. One of the biggest discussion points while buying a smartphone in Cyprus is whether […]
Best phones in 2021: The top smartphones
The best phones deliver great cameras, the performance you need to multitask and enough battery life to last the whole day.